Minggu, 13 Januari 2013


Phrase adalah rangkaian kata yang bermakna tapi tidak berpola (S + V).

Phrase terdiri dari : Modifier (M) dan Head (H).
Modifier bisa lebih dari satu, sedangkan head hanya satu.

Macam-macam Phrase :
  1. Noun Phrase
    Adjective|M + Noun|H
    Contoh :
      • New house.
        (new = adjective, house = noun)
      • The beautiful girl.
        (the, beautiful = adjective) = M.
        (girl = noun) = H.
  2. Verb Phrase
    Verb Auxiliary|H + Verb Ordinary|M
    • has planted.
      (has = verb auxiliary) = H.
      (planted = verb ordinary) = M.
    • Would have been eating.
      (would, have, been = verb auxiliary) = H.
      (eating = verb ordinary) = M.
  3. Adjective Phrase
  4. Adverbial Phrase
  5. Prepositional Phrase
  6. ... 


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